Legal Mentor Leslie Perry LLB

What Those I've Mentored Say

Mervat Aljebaje

In the words of Albert Einstein " It is the supreme art of a teacher to awakwen joy in creative expression and knowledge. That is exactly how you taught us Paralegal subjects. The subject that we assumed to be a tough and boring one was transformed into a fascinating subject about which we became more curious to learn. Everyday the enthusiasm with which you entered the class or even logged into the online class, we could not help but be filled with joy and enthusiasm. Your energy is so contagious, and I believe it to be one of the best aspects of your teaching style. Lastly, I really want to appreciate and thank you for being such a wonderful teacher. I would like to Thank you for Everything Ms. Perry. 

Farzana Kothiwala 

It is one of the hardest choices you can make when deciding whether to go to law school. From completing my legal administrative assistant program to completing my paralegal program. A valuable person to have helped me with this decision would be Ms. Perry. When I decided to go to law school, Ms. Perry was one of the first ones I wanted to share my exciting news with as she was a delightful and esteemed law professor. She is someone you could count on wholeheartedly even when trying to make life-changing decisions. I asked if she could be my referee and she said “yes, of course” without any hesitation. It is so hard to find people like Ms. Perry; she is a true gem.

She has shown immense interest in all her paralegal students and continued to go above and beyond to help us all achieve our goals. She has expressed herself as a professor, mentor, and friend who always encouraged us to do better. I remember when Ms. Perry made us additional notes to help us understand the legal text in simple words. She exceeded her expectations to teach us and was always available for discussion. She showed kindness, flexibility, and passion for all her students. She has a heart of gold and a pure soul who deeply cares about everyone. It was my absolute pleasure to have met her virtually and personally during my paralegal program as her student and friend.

Geri Canedo 

Having Ms. (Leslie) Perry as a law teacher has truly been an exceptional experience. To say she has had a positive impact in my life is an understatement; I’ve learned invaluable things about both law and life, from her. From the very beginning, she has always exceeded my expectations in what I would expect out of a teacher. She is very patient, well-spoken, knowledgeable and kind. Above all, Ms. Perry makes it very evident that she values her students’ success and caters to each student to maximize their learning experience. I feel extremely fortunate to have been taught by her as she has inspired me in many ways. 

Isabel Vargas

“I had the pleasure of having Leslie as my intro to law teacher in the CDI paralegal program. During the course Leslie showed her extended knowledge and expertise in the legal field. She was always willing to explain and discuss the course material. I’m a lawyer from a Civil Law legal system and by taking the CDI paralegal program I wanted to learn more about the Common Law system. Leslie was able to explain the basis of the Common Law, such as the importance of jurisprudence as a source of law and how it interact with the legislation and the separation of powers. It was great having her as a teacher that was open to discuss every matter with a little bit of more detail. I’ll always hold in high regard her teachings.”

Richard Mahlahla

I am here to confirm, endorse and recommend Miss Perry as qualified legal mentor. My agreement to the new role and function is based on my experience as Miss Perry's student at Vancouver Careers College. In a short time I have had the privilege of being Miss Perry's Para-legal class student, I felt like, the sky was finally within my reach.

It is the approach, understanding, knowledge and wisdom applied by Miss Perry when teaching, that made me feel blessed to be part of her para-legal students. I told my daughters in the early days of my class experience in Miss Perry's (2021) para-legal class that " If the quality of teaching I am experiencing in Miss Perry's class is 'your' daily experience, then my girls you have no reason to 'fail' in your studies".

I was impressed with Miss Perry's attention to detail, the precision of lesson delivery technics and making sure no one student is left behind." It was like my Mum had become my Lecture, I experienced loads of comfort to be in class, There was an atmosphere of unceasing positive motivational energy in me.

I miss Miss Perry and support her decision and to a new path. I wish Miss Perry a complete recovery. The purpose she intends to serve is well deserved. Blessed are those who had the opportunity to walk in her path and experienced her educational delivery skills. There is indisputable potential in all students that passed and those that will pass through her Mentorship.

Sue Kim 

Hello, My name is Sue. I was Leslie's student in the paralegal program.

I learnt Contract law and property law from her. Contract law was my first module with her. And I still remembered how I felt from the first class. All the legalese from her lectures shocked me. It was a totally different language from English although English is my second language.

However, the lectures she provided before the class were very useful and well organized to read (easier to understand). She checked unfamiliar legalese with students and put her efforts to explain it with plain language.

Her special homework for the subject that is important but confusing for students helped me to concentrate and put extra effort to understand.

She is very knowledgeable about the background of the law, like the history of the law and how the law has evolved from time to time. It was very interesting and fun to get to know the history of the law from her lecture.

I enjoyed reading her lecture and the way she taught me to read, slowly, helped me alot. It was a really simple strategy, but the result showed a huge difference. I still love to read the cases or legal information as slowly as I can and it helped me to understand clearly.

For special thanks to her, she gave the students homework to analyze each part of the CPS(contract of purchase and sale) documents, and let the students do verbal presentations about those unfamiliar vocabulary used in the documents.

The law firm I am working at now, my assigned parts of the laws are property law, family law, wills and estate and business law. I clearly understood the information from the CPS, because of the homework I did.

It was a real lecture for real work.

I am enjoying my work now. Thank you so much Leslie for your support and consideration.  

Ruchika Didi 

Ms. Perry was my law professor for around a year, and I cannot have imagined anyone better to fit the role. Her expertise in the legal industry has elevated the learning experience. Her knowledge and admiration for the law was and is inspiring. It has been sometime since I was a student of Ms. Perry’s but I always will remember the amount of devotion and care she put into teaching the law. Understanding each students needs and adapting to them to ensure they understand what we are learning is one of the best of many great qualities she possesses. To the reader, I would like to emphasize you will surely find yourself inspired while learning about the law with Ms.Perry.

Ruth Summers

I had the pleasure of being a paralegal student of Leslie’s in 2021. Due to Covid-19, the program was taught virtually but that did not detract from her strong interpersonal and effective communication skills. She displayed a very good understanding of different student’s needs, strengths and weaknesses. Leslie’s blend of legal + ESL expertise sets her apart from other law instructors - I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for support in their legal studies.

Junko Ishibashi 

When I met you as a tutor, I was still an ESL student and taking an academic course at college as well. You patiently listened to my poor English , sometimes my gibberish, then tried to understand me and thought about what I needed, then gave me appropriate advice. I brought subjects of study, such as History, Political Study or Art History.

You never hesitated toward my choice of study. Your attitude of teaching was always sincere and the same, not moody. Your teaching encouraged me when I lacked confidence.

You have broad intellectual knowledge and curiosity. There is no doubt that you can cope with any type of students, any gender and any generation because of your experience of life and study. Again, you are a great teacher.

Dodi Smiley

It hard to put into words exactly what you have done for me and what I have witnessed you do for others, but I will do my best to articulate your incredible impact.

I can honestly say that any student would be blessed to have you in teaching, guiding, assisting, and supporting them.

In my time as your student, I witnessed how your gift of meeting each student at exactly where they are at ensures their success, willingness, and desire to succeed.

You provide not only the educational skill and support to make your students successful, but you also understand what it means to extend grace and thoughtfulness to your students to ensure that they succeed scholastically and emotionally.

You truly understand that learning requires a wholistic approach. No one person is only what they are learning, but also what may be a barrier to their learning. Time and time again, I witnessed you extend yourself so that those who needed it received what they needed to succeed.

Your gift to me was your insistence on the best performance I could give. You saw where I was at educationally, and emotionally, and met me there. As a student that was returning to post secondary after several years, you challenged me. You demanded excellence. Leslie, you were there when I needed guidance and when I needed a push to perform better. I thank you for giving your time, your knowledge, your encouragement, and the gift of your amazing heart that ensured that I would be successful not only in the classroom, but outside of the classroom.

Hamida Lashkary 

On January 03,2020, I met Ms Perry the first time in VCC college. She was my law professor for almost a year and a half. Her knowledge and administration for law is inspiring. Ms Perry helped me with shaping my career and future live. I feel so honoured and blessed to have her in my life, she's not only my law professor but also a guidance which I can rely on her every time I’m in need of legal advice or even social life advice. She always encouraged me towards my goal. She’s very well educated, highly qualified and experienced law professor I have ever meet.

She’s very polite, patient and kind hearted lady. She always solved our problems in the best possible way, never failed to clear our doubts. Her expertise in legal industry has elevated the learning process. It’s been almost 3 years I’ve know Ms Perry she’s like an angel to me, whenever I feel down or need guidance she’s always there for me.

She’s is the most beautiful soul I have ever meet in my entire life. I cannot have imagined anyone better to fit the role except her.

To the reader I can write pages without getting tired about Ms Perry that how wonderful law professor she is but I guess we’ve a limit to write here.

Amanda Groen

I had the absolute privilege of having Ms. Leslie Perry as an instructor during my Paralegal program at Vancouver Career College. She was magnificent, very patient, and would always take the time to explain things numerous times if need be.

The knowledge she has about the law is very extensive. I could not have completed my program without her by my side! Anyone who has the pleasure to learn from her is very lucky!

Not only is she a great instructor but I’m very happy to call her a lifelong friend and someone I know I can count on if I have any future questions concerning the law!

Legal Mentoring

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